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Bologna, 24 oz

Traditional Recipe

(2 customer reviews)

  • No Poultry Added
  • Fully Cooked
  • Gluten Free
  • Never Frozen

Product Details

Our bologna is made with wholesome cuts of pork and beef blended with an old world mix of spices. Unlike most other bolognas on the market, our bologna is poultry free, giving it a creamier texture and a strong, authentic flavor. Fry it up for a meal, or serve it on crackers as a snack.

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 2.5 × 10.5 × 2.5 in (DxWxH)

Ingredients & Nutrition

Product Number: 2080
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2 reviews for Bologna, 24 oz

  1. Janice Greem

    Flicks Carver Ham & Bologna
    I love these product but it is very hard to find at area grocers.
    Any suggestions as to where I can find it near Gastonia, NC?
    Willing to order online if necessary.
    I’ve tried several brands but none compare.

    1. Fricks Quality Meats

      We’re glad you enjoy our bologna and carver ham! To submit questions for our support staff, please utilize the contact form on our “Contact Us” page, or email us at hello@frickmeats.com.

  2. K Payne

    Garlic Bologna.
    I love this product but it is very hard to find at area grocers.
    Any suggestions as to where I can find it near Muskogee, Ok?
    Willing to order online if necessary.
    I’ve tried several brands but none compare.

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