Warming Is Optional:
Here's how It's Done

Step 1
This ham is fully cooked. To warm, remove packaging from ham, and place flat side down in a 2-inch deep baking pan, fat side up.
Step 2
Add package drippings and ½ cup water in the pan, then cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil to retain moisture.
Step 3
Preheat your oven to 350°F and bake for 15 minutes per pound (45 minutes minimum for hams weighing less than 3 lbs.) or until heated through.
Step 4
Remove ham from oven. Let stand loosely covered with aluminum foil for 10 minutes before slicing to serve.
Two Ways to Glaze
Nutrition Facts

Emphasis on milligrams (mg) for cholesterol and sodium. A misprint of our uncured half carver nutrition facts panel inaccurately labels these values as grams (g). We apologize for any confusion.
Carve It Up
Carving a carver ham is as easy as ham carving gets, but to do so with utmost confidence, follow the video tutorial or step-by-step instructions.